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TDS Quarterly e-Newsletter Q2 2023

By TDS Gift Cards

Welcome to the TDS Gift Cards quarterly gift card industry and client update, where you can discover the latest gift card industry insights.

New Client Announcement

We are thrilled to announce that we have partnered with Hopper to launch their gift card program. The Hopper gift card provides a new and easy way for customers to give the gift of travel. It can be used to purchase flights, hotels, and rental cars within the Hopper app. The Hopper gift card is available for purchase today in-app.

TDS Clients Expand Further Globally

At TDS, we work to help our clients grow and expand their gift card programs worldwide. We are thrilled to share with you some upcoming expansions. If you want to learn more about how we can help grow your gift card program, contact us at [email protected].

In partnership with Meta Quest, TDS will be expanding its program this fall/holiday. This expansion will include digital and physical retailers in the US, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, and the UK.

TDS Gift Cards – A Fresh Look!

TDS Gift Cards has recently partnered with a creative agency to undergo a brand refresh, including new brand colors, logos, and graphics!

An Exciting Summer of Industry Events

TDS Gift Cards are proud to sponsor industry events, including The Big Handshake, and upcoming events like Money20/20 Europe, CommerceNext, and the IMA Summit USA. 

The Big Handshake – May 16, London, UK

TDS Gift Cards led an in-depth roundtable discussion at The Big Handshake, moderated by TDS’ Director of EMEA, Jay Atkinson. As a proud sponsor of the event, the TDS team had a great time connecting with new and familiar faces and in lively panel sessions. 

Money20/20 Europe – June 6-8, Amsterdam, NL

In an exciting first for TDS Gift Cards, we were proud to sponsor one of the most significant events in FinTech. The TDS team had a great time connecting with some of the brightest minds in the industry.




CommerceNext eCommerce Growth Show – June 20-21, New York City, NY

As a proud sponsor, TDS is pleased to join the top marketing and digital leaders in the eCommerce industry. Visit us at the TDS Gift Cards kiosk in the Discovery Lounge, and join TDS VP Product Bill Ralston as he leads a roundtable discussion on the future of gift cards in e-commerce. 




IMA Summit USA – July 17-19, Boston, MA

TDS is proud to sponsor the Welcome Reception at the IMA Summit this July to round out the summer. Join TDS Co-Founder and COO Tim Pechmann as he speaks on a panel discussion about the evolution of gift cards and how to stay ahead of the curve.

Are you attending any of these industry events? Let us know by reaching out to [email protected]

Driving User Acquisition with Your Gift Card Program

Did you know that gift cards are a highly effective way to introduce new customers to your brand?

In today’s competitive digital marketplace, with spaces like streaming entertainment and food delivery getting even more crowded, new user acquisition and retention are critical to growing your business. Gift cards can introduce new customers to your brand and keep customers spending beyond their gift card value.

Want to learn how gift cards can become a multifunctional tool for your brand’s economy? Read our blog at

7 Key Aspects of Your Global Gift Card Program

As brands expand globally, gift cards have become a crucial aspect of their payment and customer acquisition strategy.

However, before expanding gift cards globally, there are certain considerations that brands should keep in mind. Such as the use case of the card – does the market you’re expanding into give gift cards primarily on gifting occasions, or do gift cards act as a strategic payment vehicle? Another consideration is the tax/regulatory requirements of the market – are there restrictions on the value of the gift card or the expiry date, for example?

Learn more by reading our latest blog at

New Legislation

We wanted to give you an update on the proposed California legislation regarding plastic gift cards. California Bill 728, introduced on February 17, 2023. This bill would prohibit, beginning January  2027, a retailer from selling, offering for sale, or distributing plastic gift cards, except those that are both usable with multiple unaffiliated sellers of goods and that have the expiration date, if any, printed on the card. 

TDS Gift Cards offers a unique approach to global gift card processing and program management. The TDS platform is one of the largest networks globally, with over 4M distribution points in over 40 countries. Clients leveraging our global suite of services include Netflix, Uber, DoorDash, Nike, Twitch, Airbnb, Instacart, and more!

For more information, contact us at [email protected]

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